In the sense that humans benefit from increasingly accurate – complex – data flows, such pursuits are undoubtedly a good thing. Sadly, we often fall victim to the complexity of our poorly implemented systems. For example, the stock exchange responds to both factual and falsified data via the analysis of Twitter feeds. Ultimately, the impact of data flows is their use in optimizing various properties of the real world. Other dominant intersubjective realities like money and religion have the same position relative to human society. Therefore, we need to understand what properties of intersubjective realities are being maximized. Necessarily, one of the beneficiaries of any successful intersubjective reality is itself, and so transitioning the focus of society from one such guiding force to another would usually be best accomplished through experimentation, assuming that the things human society wants to optimize for are properties of humans themselves, which seems likely.

Heretofore, we have failed to take any precautions that might protect us from transitions in our focus as a species that may and often do have unintended consequences. We continue in this way today, and the only real corrective course is counterintuitive to modern man: slow down our own progress. This correction is non-obvious, but even more importantly, it's become actively dangerous. We are now on a course that needs some form of progress to correct it — Anthropomorphic climate change is cheif among these problems; overfishing and pollution are others. It's going to be a grand struggle to slow overall change while forcing as much change as possible in the few areas where it's truly needed.