One thing that I'd really appreciate more leeway from the world on is publishing completely open and transparent information. Sadly, the world in which we live makes it very scary to think about publishing anything and everything I think because the default reader would approach the work, likey without context, in particular context of any disclaimer regarding the level of transparency and importantce of anything I might write. (Mostly, I'm referring to potential over-emphasizing the importance of anything negative that I might think or publish. As an imperfect being, I have abrasive, negative thoughts, and even though I practice avoiding such avenues, they are still real and at least slightly reflective of the real world, so I think it's fair to acknowledge them, before appropriately dismissing them.)

Ideally, I could operate on the default assumption being that my published words are no different from my thoughts: raw, unfiltered, impure, potentially negative or dangerous. Well, I would probably filter thoughts that I considered dangerous. But, I think there's an important distinction between dangerous per se and dangerous to individuals, and the latter is basically where this line seems to come into play - between what I'd like to publish and what I feel comfortable publishing. For example, if I were to use people's names or the real names of places and things, and especially if I published negative thoughts about personal topics, there's a real danger that I would bring harm to myself or other people in my life. True, such a level of danger is quite low, but it's enough to make me expend brain power contemplating the possibility, and that's vexing enough for me to feel the need to vent about it right now.

Most of the fear is unfounded because I'm not famous, I don't advertise these pieces nor my personal website, and so no one knows or cares that they exist. The real danger could only ever manifest if someone else took actions with repurcussions or malicious intent. One easy mistake could come from sharing one piece with a friend who then shares the existence of the site with another friend who then finds something I wrote offensive. And that last person would likely feel bad, and they might let me know that they feel bad, which could in turn make me feel bad - a sad day all around. Clearly that isn't a reason not to write, or even not to publish, but it's likely a reason not to share. Or at the very least, it's a reason to share very carefully and selectively.

Ultimately there are some obvious strategies for mitigating any risks. It would make sense to develop a more intricate system for access to various types of content based on how much I trust people. Maybe if I developed a strong enough and effective enough system, people could even use it for other things :)