When I think about the perfect balance for my life, I guess it's a bit unclear. The biggest reason for this is that time I spend being productive - in the sense that I want to have a certain impact - isn't necessarily productive at all. I suppose the right way to think of it is that any attempt to make a difference counts as productive. This means that one way I can think of bucketing my time is as work, productive time, and Grant-centric time. Productive time has potentially strong theoretical overlap with Grant-centric time and so that I could instead make the top levels Grant-centric and work. My first thought is that this feels bad because then work is in a seperate bucket altogether, but I suppose since the current global organizational structure for society and most (or all) substructures including all substructures to which I have immediate access force the work bucket to have significant disconnect from the productive bucket, this still feels like a very fair distinction. There is probably some level at which work and productive become classed together and yet another where they all fall under Grant-centric, but what feels appropriate for my current context is to have work, productive and Grant-centric all at the top level. Then Grant-centric can be subclassed into extroverted and introverted. The only one that I really want to improve individually is the intoverted Grant-centric, which currently includes too much Chess and Hanabi, too little reading and exercise and not the right type of thinking (or at least not the right balance of types of thinking - too much unstructured, not enough structured; again though, the ideal balance within this category, much like the ideal overall balances are very difficult to describe, much less achieve).
I was going to talk more about the blanace between the categories, but I think the real part I feel most guilty about is the time I spend playing games that don't really grow me in any way, and really don't even have any chance to. At least the unstructured, unproductive thinking has a higher chance of being productive. Even if the games were new or games that I could get better at, it would be better, but Hanabi especially I have mastery of and chess, I can't really get better just by playing, and certainly not just by playing 2/1 blitz games repeatedly.