Forested marshland surrounded the school playground at Chandler Elementry, the only primary school of a modest rural town in central Florida. Ms. Hanson was watching the four youngest classes of students running around while the rest of the students and teachers ate lunch in the cafeteria behind her.

Ugh, it's boring to write boring content.

I've had the thought before that thoughts aren't worth having if they're not being moderated and written down. It's not entirely true, but this is the first time I'm writing it down, and I'm pretty sure of that. I wonder how often it would be healthy to take time out of life to really focus on the devestation wrought on humans by each other. Maybe 10 seconds a day, but it is of paramount importance not to inure oneself to the feeling of pain associated with the contemplation. It should be an intense pain, empathizing with the victims, with the loved ones left behind.

Today went well. I met the goals for self control with respect to Grant-centric time. Although there was perhaps too much of it? I'm not entirely sure there can be too much of it. I guess the issue then becomes that the productive portion if it is too small. Although I don't think there's a minimum for that specifically, there should be a minimum for the combined work and productive allocation. What's a reasonable minimum for this day and age? Well, certainly 10 minute of productive seems like a valid minimum, and I think I barely met that, if I met that. I know I'm capable of a sustained 40 or 50 hours a week, so that should probably be the goal. I feel like personalizing it at 49; why not? So, how am I doing on that this week? Probably none too well. I'll set it for next week.