So, I did all of the mandatory things on the todo list for today except the creative writing, and this journal post, but I'm doing that presently, and it'll be real easy so let's ignore that. I walked instead of ran though because I'm getting ready to start training on a stricter schedule for the SF marathon starting this week: T/Th/F/S. Eventually I'll be adding Sunday to the mix as well. I also read 3 chapters from Storm Tomes - go me - but I haven't started reviewing the Sunquest material yet. I might do that as I continue to procrastinate the creative writing thing. I suppose this build up of writing period into creative writing period into creative writing that I actually consider good is itself good if it ends up producing something of value - value to me at least, but ideally to others as well. We'll have to wait and see on this front. I ate at a Reposado, a Palo Alto upscale Mexican restaurant. The stuffed dates appetizer, stuffed with chorizo and wrapped in bacon, was quite delectible. The chile poblano was fine, but I'm not sure I'd orer the white sangria again any time soon, better to just have white wine, if that's what you're into. Anne and Keira were doing something with rabbits when I called - a "Hoppy Hour" if I recall correctly (actually I couldn't recall at all, so I looked it up). Apparently they volunteer to help take care of rabbits at the shelter from time to time too. Also got some shirts for the new job and a book for Keira by Molly Ampersand today.